Even though it might not get cold enough to snow here in San Antonio, Texas, we still feel that festive end-of-year cheer all around us – especially at home in front of the fire. Thanks to the A/C and the plethora of seasonal films available online, enjoying a cozy and flame-filled winter – even when it’s 60° outside – is easier than ever.
But, in order to safely enjoy your fireplace or stove this winter, it’s important to be aware of general fire safety protocols and best practices. Residents of San Antonio should consider this wintertime fireplace safety checklist and create a fire safety plan. Ensuring your appliance is suitably operational means less time wondering and worrying, and more time relaxing and relishing in the delights of the warm glow. And in the greater San Antonio area, there’s no better team to trust your fireplace and stove needs with than the one at Wolfman Chimney & Fireplace.
Reach us online or send us a text or call at 830-620-4335.
✔️ Create & Practice a Fire Safety Plan
Whether you’ve had your fireplace forever, or it’s a new addition to your home, it’s important to first familiarize yourself with your appliance and the best operational practices. Establishing a fire safety plan that the whole family can easily understand and follow is the most effective way to have a wrinkle-free fireside experience, every time.
But, what exactly is a fire safety plan? Well, ultimately, it will look different for every family, but should contain some semblance of the following elements:
- Ensure all smoke detectors and fire alarms are up to date and functioning properly. A spreading fire might be hard to miss, especially when you’re in the same room, but some of the dangerous gases created during combustion are not so easily detectable. That’s why one of the most important things you can do for your home and family is to maintain an awareness of your detectors and alarms, and create a routine to check them – and their functioning status – regularly.
- Establish guidelines and best practices for fireplace operation. Obviously, be sure to only operate your stove or fireplace according to the manufacturer’s instructions, but it’s also a good idea to discuss rules and regulations within your household too. Protocols such as never leaving the room while a fire is burning or only allowing family members over a certain age to use it without supervision will create an environment where everyone feels as safe as possible.
- Identify all your ways out of the house…and practice them. In the traumatic event of a spreading house fire, it can be extremely overwhelming to safely exit your home, especially if you have young children and pets. Taking the time to locate ways outside may seem silly and unnecessary, but could save you both time and energy in an emergency. Make sure you practice them with everyone in the family to eliminate confusion should tragedy strike.
- Have conversations with your family about fire safety and fireplace management. An informed and prepared family is a safe one. It’s easy to assume that everyone is on the same page when it comes to things like common sense fire safety and what exactly to do in the event of an emergency, but this is not always true. What’s perfectly logical to one might not be to another, and when the subject in question is something as dangerous as fire, it’s important to take the time to facilitate these family discussions in order to ensure everyone is, in fact, on the same page.
- Make sure you have an easily accessible fire extinguisher close to your appliance. Not only should you double check that it is functional and current, you should also go over how to use it with everyone (of age) in your home. Cumbersome, bulky, and a bit heavy, these things can be quite challenging to operate, so review the instructions to ensure everyone feels comfortable and prepared should they need to use it.
✔️ Establish a Regular Fireplace Maintenance Routine…& Follow It
In addition to a fire safety plan that’s been properly customized to fit the unique needs and lifestyle of your family, you should also establish an annual preventive maintenance plan. This includes services like chimney sweeps and inspections, both of which ensure that everything is in its proper place and set up to function the way it is designed.
Not only do these preventive services allow you to enjoy your appliance with peace of mind every burning season, they also help protect you in the event of damages caused by unforeseen circumstances, like extreme weather.
Did you know that most chimney repairs are not covered by homeowners insurance? The reason for this is because nearly all chimney damage is preventable when you keep up with the required yearly maintenance. So, keeping a record of your regular chimney inspections and cleanings could save you both time and money in the long run should your home experience something like a natural disaster.
And yes – even if you don’t regularly use your fireplace, it’s still important to schedule these maintenance services! Especially if your appliance utilizes gas, without annual check-ins, you might otherwise never know if you have a gas leak or if your structure is missing any vital, external components.
✔️ Call On the Team at Wolfman for the Best Chimney Services Near San Antonio
Luckily, that’s what we’re here for: to serve homeowners and business owners alike with the best chimney maintenance and repair services in and near San Antonio. Learn more about creating a fireplace safety checklist or a fire safety plan that works best for your family with Wolfman. If you are looking to schedule a fireplace or chimney service – reach out to the Wolfman team today!
Fill out this form and get in touch online, or give us a call (or text) at 830-620-9130.