As we roll closer to fall, it’s important to start thinking about the tasks that you need to undertake in that cooler season. However, thinking about these tasks before fall is upon us allows you to have the time to book these services with the companies that you want...
Why Chimney Repair Needs to Happen Now, Instead of In the Fall
When you have concerns about your chimney or know that it needs repairs, it’s easy to simply say that you’ll put it off until you need it in the fall. However, that can be the worst time of year to try to get your chimney repaired. Here’s a quick look at the reasons...
Get an Early Bird Chimney Cleaning Now to Avoid the Fall Rush!
Let’s face it – when it comes to most home maintenance tasks, it’s entirely too easy to put them off until there’s a serious issue. One of the most common home maintenance tasks that you can handle ahead of time is getting an early bird chimney cleaning during the...
Parts of Your Chimney System and Why They’re Important
When you’ve got a chimney professional at your home, it’s easy for them to fall into industry jargon, leaving you wondering what they’re talking about. Fortunately, we’ve got a list of the chimney system components found in your New Braunfels home, starting at the...
Is it Time to Reline Your Chimney?
Though you may assume that your chimney consists of a brick tube, it’s actually a bit more complex. Most chimneys have flue tiles inside, which have smooth surfaces inside. When these tiles begin to have issues, whether due to age, damage, or a chimney fire, they can...
Is it Time for Your Chimney to Have Masonry Repairs?
Though your chimney may seem like just another part of your home, it can weather and age along with other parts of your home’s exterior. As it ages, it can begin to form cracks in the masonry that will eventually lead to more damage and, over time, failure. Here’s a...
How Dryer Vent Cleaning Helps Prevent House Fires
Your dryer’s vent is intended to move hot, humid air from the inside of your home to the outside, preventing excess moisture and heat from building up in your home. However, if dryer vents are allowed to build up lint and debris, they can cause a house fire. Here are...
Why Spring is the Perfect Time for Chimney Cleaning and Inspection
After a long winter, it’s tempting to put your chimney to the back of your mind until next fall, when the first crisp days of autumn make you want to start a fire in your home. But beyond putting it behind you, there are many great reasons why you should consider...
Decorating Your Fireplace During the Hot Months
You know that you want to do something to make your fireplace look amazing during the hotter months of the year, but at the same time, you know that it’s smart to keep it accessible and easy to clear off on the chance that the weather decides to not cooperate. In this...
Go Gas for a Cleaner, Easier Fireplace
On a cold winter’s evening, there’s nothing like a nice, hot fire to warm the room and the soul. But before you get that fire, you have to cut, split, and haul the firewood, or buy it, hoping that it’s well-seasoned and will burn well. You then have to clean up the...