When you’re having issues with your chimney drafting properly, there are a range of possible issues that could be causing the problem. However, if your chimney hasn’t been inspected regularly, one of the issues may be that you need chimney lining installation or replacement for your New Braunfels home. If your chimney’s interior isn’t smooth, it can impact how well the fumes and smoke are able to rise through your chimney service.

How Chimney Lining Improves Efficiency and Safety
When you have a fire in your fireplace, the fumes that are produced can have an acidic pH, which can cause the brick and mortar in your chimney to begin to break down. This creates cracks through from the inside to the outside of your chimney through which gases and heat can escape, and moisture can enter to do additional damage. This process makes your chimney become less efficient while increasing the risk that you may have a fire or that noxious gases can leak into your home.
Having your chimney lined or relined helps to provide a smooth surface on the inside of your chimney again. They’re also sized to better fit your specific fireplace or appliance, so that you’ll get a better draft. Poorly fit liners break down more quickly and easily, which is why it’s important to have your chimney lined by a professional who understands how to get remarkable results that fit your chimney’s exact needs.
Having a better draft and a solid liner in your chimney protects your home and your loved ones. When masonry begins to degrade, smoke and heat can escape your chimney system, increasing your risk of a chimney or house fire, or carbon monoxide poisoning. A quality chimney lining process ensures that you won’t have to worry about these issues due to a failing chimney system.
By having your chimney lined, you can gain better safety and efficiency in your home fireplace and chimney system. If you’re ready to have your chimney inspected and lined, the experienced professionals at Wolfman Chimney & Fireplace in New Braunfels offer professional chimney lining installation and replacement services. We use top-quality HeatShield products and methods that ensure that you’ll get great results every time. Why not contact us today to find out how we can help you improve your home’s fireplace and chimney system?
Reach us online, send us a text, or call us at 830-620-4335 today!